Institute an Aruba Marine Park now!
- by: Rudolf D
- target: Prime Minister M. G. Eman
100,000 GOAL
Aruba is one of the last if not the last Caribbean island that still doesn’t have a marine park or any official designated marine protected areas or MP’s.
While human and industrial activities negatively impact the marine environment , it’s this same environment that helps to provide the only economic pillar for Aruba, which is tourism and particularly water sports tourism.
An estimated 500 to 650 thousand of the annual stay over tourist make use of the beaches and water sports activities while another 500 thousand cruise or transient tourists are day users but impact the marine environment just the same.
Since the development of the first hotels in the early 1960’s Aruba has known an exponential growth in tourism and coastal development, which has impacted not only the coast line but also the mangrove filtration systems and the coral reefs of Aruba.
These marine ecosystems are not only damaged but are also home to a few thousand species including corals, sea grass beds, hundreds of types of fish, sharks, rays, dolphins and about five types of sea turtles that nests on the beaches in Aruba every year.
Since May of 2010 a concept law, (LBHAM Aruba Marine Park) was developed in Aruba and presented to the council of ministers for approval.
Unfortunately we're now in January 2017 and Aruba still has no marine mark or any designated marine protected areas under any law as the one proposed in 2010.
There is an environmental law in the making since 2010 however this also has not been approved by the government.
Other Caribbean islands such as Bonaire already have marine parks for nearly 50 years and while Aruba is not only lacking behind with marine environmental protection but tourism as Aruba’s only economic pillar will lose thousands of jobs in the water sport industry in the very near future because of this lack of protection.
Nature conservation and in this case marine environmental protection IS what provides the resources for a possible sustainable tourism and future in Aruba.
This is not just about the environment but it’s also about the sustainability of the livelihood of the local fishermen, tourism jobs, the future of Aruba and the next generations.
The survival of these jobs and livelihoods depends on the Aruban government to create and pass the laws and actual implementation of nature and marine conservation. Without implementation and ways to enforce nature laws anything will be just talk, promises and nothing else.
While Aruba is promoted internationally as an island nation for sustainable development, at the local level no actual conservation efforts are really made to actually protect nature and the marine environment including the potential disastrous economic effects.
If we want to change things at the world and international level, we must first be able to make a change locally through the government of Aruba. Change starts here.
Please support this petition both locally and internationally and show your support for nature and the marine environment as we will take all these signatures to both the Prime Minister of Aruba and the parliament commission on the environment.
name not displayed
39 minutes ago
Patricia H.
an hour ago
We must push ourselves to do even harder than we ever did. We love this planet, and we've already passed the breaking point of our anger towards our specie's negligence towards our ONLY home. I'm very surprised that, as furious as we are about what is happening to the planet, and it's inhabitants, we are still reluctant in doing something that's beyond signing petitions! Petitions do help to some extent, but I just can't help but feel that, even they're not enough... I loathe the government for allowing this to go on for so long, and I'm heartbroken to think that, even we are not good enough to stop it ourselves. But, I refuse to believe that for a second. I refuse to give up what hope I have left, simply because things don't look good at the moment, and it appears to be getting worse as time goes by. Just once, I would love to see some real action in this world... I'm afraid of the unknown, and I don't want to sit here and wait for what's about to come if we don't act fast. Is it too much to ask? It's very heartbreaking that we are letting these people get away with this. Most humans are worthless idiots, and we'll be on the same boat if we don't start proving ourselves to be worthy of stewardship, even if it means breaking some rules and kicking some asses. I'm against violence, but things don't look very good at the moment, and we need to think of something, and fast. Everything I ever loved is being taken from me, and I will not be at peace until I see some real justice! We've been letting this go on when we have the option to do something we're too obviously scared of doing, because we could get into a whole lot of trouble if we did. Well, guess what people!! It's about time you stopped letting the big shots stand in the way of your dreams (making this world a better place for all) We simply cannot afford to waste our time just by signing petitions, letters, and treaties to world leaders who clearly can't even read!! While petitions DO help to some extent, we must do more to ensure this will be a win-win for all of us. I'm sorry, but... I CAN'T LOSE ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMALS AND PLANTS ARE GOING EXTINCT, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS ARE BEING DESTROYED, THE AIR, THE WATER, AND THE SOIL IS BEING POLLUTED, PEOPLE ARE GETTING SICK, SEA LEVELS ARE RISING, THE PLANET IS FULL OF GARBAGE.... AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF IRRESPONSIBLE, STUPID, SELFISH, GREEDY HUMANS!!!!!!!! Mankind has been charged with the responsibility to care for, and protect the planet we all live on, and all the animals which share this planet with us. This is very important to me, because I want life on Earth to continue...don't you??? The line needs to be drawn in the forests, the jungles, the oceans, the lakes, the rivers, the mountains, and all the animals that live there... NOW!!!! Trees supply most of our oxygen and sequesters carbon and detoxifies the air, Got it?? It's our global responsibility to stop the extinction of animals, and to stop the destruction of the environment. People, open your eyes!!! The environment is our home!! Let your future kids witness the beauty of our planet!! We endanger one species, we endanger all others... including ourselves!! It should be pretty obvious by now, that WE need to act NOW!!!! With everything that's going on in this world, please... WAKE UP!!!!!! The Earth is dying all around us... Please, open your eyes!!!! Look around you!!! Wars are starting, animals are becoming extinct, the weather is getting worse, the ice is melting... must I go on?! EVERYONE is hurting because of all the damages we are doing to the whole planet!! We really need to open our eyes and stop destroying the environment/wildlife, and start caring... The evidence is all around you... in your school, the news, and all over the Internet!!!! Please, open your eyes to the horrors of reality, and help us save Earth and all it's inhabitants... Why do humans want to destroy the beauty of this planet, and the beauty of animals that share it with them?? Our real goal as human beings, is to protect our wildlife and the Earth, NOT destroy them!!!! What gives humans the right to kill/exploit most of God's creatures, and destroy their natural habitat in the first place???? We have to live in harmony with them, not destroy them!!!! This is not humane nor is it right for us to take what doesn't belong to us!! Humans are not the only creatures on this planet that have feelings, nor are they the only creatures with the right to exist on this planet!!!! I will sign any petition to save these animals and their natural habitats!!!! You know, this is exactly why a majority of people who oppose this destruction, really hate your guts, because you can't do anything right by us, or our wildlife, and we need wildlife for our own survival!!!! Do you idiots realize what would happen if there were no animals, no oceans, no lakes no rivers no mountains, no jungles and no forests???? We will regret it once everything on this planet is destroyed, because once the entire ecosystem is gone, the human race won't survive!!!! Those uncivilized people don't have a place in a civilized world, since they are the main cause of this destruction in the first place!!!! The animals were here long before most of the human race, I think they deserve to live in the wild Just as Nature intended!!!!!! The main problem is, the human race is taking taking up more space, so the animals have no place else to go, and when a human/animal encounter occurs, it's not the fault of the animals, but humans think they can just pin the blame where it doesn't belong, and then kill them!!!! Animals shouldn't have to pay the price for human stupidity, and what used to belong to the animals, has been taken from them by selfish humans!!!!! Humans need to learn more about the other species on God's earth, we're not the only animals that can survive on it, and we won't have much time left to live once all other species are gone!!!!! Please, let them be, they all have a right to live too!!!! Humanity's true purpose in life, is to care for the planet, and all the creatures that live on it!! We don't have the right to take what doesn't even belong to us, be it the life of another living creature, or the land that rightfully belonged to them!!!! Humans are supposed to be very intelligent, and fully evolved creatures, but the fact that they kill, destroy, abuse, pollute, and exploit natural resources without thought, only makes the human race the exact opposite of what they were supposed to be!! All over this world some people are taking these animals and slaughtering them, and for what?! These animals are very important to the entire ecosystem, and humans are taking their own way of life and totally tearing it apart!!!!! These animals deserve so much better from us humans than what they are receiving at this time!!!!!! We really need to start taking care of what we have left in this world, conservation and learning from these animals in the oceans, lakes, rivers, mountains, forests, and jungles!!!!! Many animals die due to human stupidity, and arrogance/ignorance!!!! This should be a problem this world can change by law, so that heartless people can't do as they please!!!! These barbarians are killing/destroying all our worlds last remaining wildlife, and our world leaders must do more to make sure that japan and any other nation is stopped from killing these animals to extinction, and destroying Earth's natural resources!!!! The human race is going to pay the ultimate price for what they're doing to the planet, and all that were put on it for a very important purpose... PERIOD!!!! Change this and make this madness stop, NOW!!!!!!!! Our children/grandchildren deserve to live on a healthy planet, full of life and great beauty, but that's not going to happen if we keep destroying what little resource we have left on this planet!!!! Humans were put on this planet to love, protect, and save the very place we proudly call home, ''Earth'' and all the creatures that live on it today!!!!!! Extinction was not meant to be caused by an intelligent race such as humans, and yet... it pretty much is the case, but we can still change that, if we're as intelligent as we made ourselves out to be!! Humans have a responsibility to protect Earth's natural resources, and destroying them until there's none left, would be completely irresponsible!!!! All life on Earth should be treated with love and respect, not abused or killed for some sick, and twisted pleasure!!!! Humans, need earth's animals, forests, jungles oceans, and mountains, their homes are being destroyed because of stupid, irresponsible humans!!!! Please, stop this destruction that is threatening your ecosystems and causing your wildlife to go extinct, because once they're gone, we'll be the next to suffer!!!! Please, PLEASE stop this disaster. You have the key to the future... the most amazing, unique wilderness in the world!!!!!!! Don't destroy it, save it for future generations, you cannot let these animals, and plants become extinct in this time period!!!!!! This is your future!! Also economically, many countries have lost their precious wildlife... Africa is losing it's wilderness and wildlife at an alarming rate... DON'T LOSE YOURS!!!!!!!! Save them now before it's too late, the world is losing too many animals, please help save them, and their forests!!!! These animals are so beautiful, and they deserve to be treated humanely!!!!!!! These are an asset to your country!!!!!!! It brings money in as visitors come to see these beautiful animals are also needed for ecology!!!!!!! This is to stop the world reacting to human interference!!!!!!! You wouldn't take the sun out of the sky because you need it!! Well we need these animals to survive to keep the world livable for all of us!! Stop killing our precious creatures!!!!! It is our job to protect and keep them alive, so that future generations can see them in person!!!!!! We have to save the animals, the oceans, and the rain-forests to save this planet, and all of humanity!!!!!!!! Why can't you see that destroying natural resources is wrong?! It is putting our lives in danger, as well as it's putting our wildlife in danger!!!!!!!! The human race can't survive without the earth's natural resources!!!! They can't live without forests, oceans, mountains, and all the animals and plants that inhabit them!!!! It is our legacy to future generations to preserve wildlife!!!! We must find a way to keep them from becoming extinct!!!! If we don't protect what is left, then one day all of our children/grandchildren will look around and wonder what happened to the lions, tigers, bears, elephants, wolves, and all other wildlife?! WE KILLED THEM!!!!! That is what happened to them!!!!!! Is this really how you want your great grandchildren to remember you?! Please implement urgent measures to stop the loss of forest cover by halting all new logging concessions, cracking down on illegal logging, drilling, over-fishing, poaching, whaling, trophy hunting, and increasing penalties to deter loggers and work towards RESTORING lost forest cover!!!! Please make this your HIGHEST priority (it can't bare delay anymore), in order to avoid your unique wildlife going extinct!!!!!!!!! Your wildlife is your treasure, so please don't risk them going extinct and intervene NOW - as it is an emergency case meanwhile!!!! We need to save our wild life and conserve their natural habitats if we are to all survive on this planet!!!! The more we damage the earth, the closer we are to our own demise!!!! Every living creature has a very important part in keeping the balance of nature... WE are a part of that nature!!!!!!!!! What we destroy, will eventually have a very negative affect on all of us!! The disappearances of all life forms, and the destruction of the environment, will further throw the world into chaos, as the balance of things will alter drastically!!!!!!! If humans don't change and adapt to the wake up call, and begin to see their true relationship with the Earth and her creatures, if they do not recognize their role as guardians, then their troubles will only get worse!!!!!!! Our grandchildren will ask us one day: Where were you during the Holocaust of the animals? What did you do against these horrifying crimes? We have not inherited this earth from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children!!!!!!! I'm just sickened by what's happening to our wildlife!!!!!!! This needs to stop!!! Stop the killing of all gods beautiful creatures on this earth before it's to late!!!!!!! They matter, their lives matter the environment matters!!!!!!!!! They're all here for a reason!!!!!!!!! People need to really take a good hard long look at what they are doing to the wildlife and in the long run how it's affecting are earth and environment, and not for the better!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! And humans are supposed to be the intelligent species?! It's time to listen to SCIENCE!!!!!!! An island in Australia just sank into the ocean as a result of climate change, taking the last species of rodent with it!! So, you better get your $hit straight, or we'll be the next to sink!!!!! THIS ISN'T A JOKE!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS REAL, AND IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! GET YOUR IGNORANT HEADS OUTTA YOUR ASSES, AND STOP DESTROYING/POISONING THE ENVIRONMENT FOR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP KILLING/EXPLOITING THE ANIMALS FOR MONEY/CONVENIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIFE IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN GREED/SELFISHNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Humans are called to be compassionate caregivers, protectors and stewards of the planet and its beings. Helping not harming. To create an environment where all beings are treated with respect and compassion. Never to die needlessly or cruelly. These vulnerable, innocent beings have the right to live “cruelty-free” in peace. “We must remember in our dealings with animals that they are a SACRED TRUST to us. They cannot speak for themselves. Harriet Beecher Stowe “Love animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. Do not trouble their joy, don’t harass them, don’t deprive them of their happiness, don’t work against God’s intent. Man, do not pride yourself on superiority to animals; they are without sin, and you, with your greatness, defile the earth by your appearance on it, and leave the traces of your foulness after you – alas, it is true of almost every one of us!” Fyodor Dostoyevsky Those who endanger, disregard, exploit, imprison, neglect, disrespect, abuse, molest, torture, MURDER animals must be imprisoned/pay for their psychiatric management and placed on an animal abuser registry. Their fines must PAY to build/support animal shelters/sanctuaries/relocation programs.PAY for protected reserves/conserved areas/fencing, etc.PAY for spay/neuter/birth control programs.PAY for & install billboards, bus signs, street signs, post posters, WEAR sandwich board signs, pass out flyers, etc., for ANIMAL PROTECTION & CRUELTY FREE AWARENESS & EDUCATION. PAY rescue groups for vehicles, gas, food, vet care, etc. PAY to release animals from labs, puppy mills, kill shelters, factory farms, fur farms, dog/cat meat facilities, canned hunting, bull fighting, circus,etc.PAY to stop poaching/culls, etc.PAY for food, vet care, foster care/adoption, training for cadaver search/drug sniffing, emotional assistance/support animals. I would like to protect Earth from any further damage, and instead heal Earth. I want to have a future where I don't have to breath out of a can of air, or wear a mask. I want a future where we (the future generation) and the ones to come, don't have to live in a wasteland that was made by the government. I know it may not matter to you guys, cause you are just in it for the money, and you aren't going to live on this planet for too long. But it matters to us!! It's bullshit that you get to just leave your mess and then we have to live in it or clean it up!! We must assure the survival of mankind by enacting a plan a climate plan to become a zero carbon energy economy. The planet is in need of attention. We see many issues of destruction from the ways we are allowing persistent abuse on a daily basis. Some of the major abuse is coming from outdated and poorly designed activities from large corporations. We see the constant extraction of natural resources which could easily be diverted to a more sustainable and non-invasive model using solar and wind. We see the never ending spraying in our skies from the weather modification programs that have NEVER been tested for possible damage to humans, livestock, pets, water, air and soil. The weather modification plans have not had proper testing with concern of how the adding of these unnatural particles in the air may affect the health of any living thing. Those with a voice are beginning to recognize the problem and many are too young to have a vote on a matter that definitely impacts their future to the greatest extent. The time is now to hold those in "perceived" seats of power accountable for the future generations of this planet. The well being of this planet should be on the table for every member of every committee from local councils to the general assemblies as a priority for discussion and action. The next generation has a right to voice their concerns about the planet they have inherited even if they cannot cast a vote. We need to direct our decisions for the long-term strongly considering the health of the planet for the future generations to come. Listen to the youth after all you left us one heck of a mess to clean up. Our Earth needs help now! We need to know how the candidates plan to address this critical issue. We need to protect seeds, water, and air, climate change is a natural cycle of our planet, as the ninth planet approaches us again, we will see and are witnessing whats happening all over the globe. The sun and moon show signs, the sun rises east and sets north east, people can see the sun and moon at same time during the day on north and south equator at same time, the magnetic poles have shifted, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, are all apart of the natural cycle before another ice age. Yellowstone alone, would put enough ash-cloud over the planet to block out the sun. Climate change is real, but man is not to blame as much as Nature. However, mankind destroying the forests, and polluting the environment, does cause disaster and rob all creatures of precious oxygen, including us. Kudos to our youth for trying to stop what they have been taught to be the problem. It's no problem at all to see earth repeating another ice-age, after all can you say we live peacefully with each other and help our neighbors and protect our bodies? If we all knew the truth, we would simply live happy and love everyone in your life, and be witnesses to a change in Earth that has been written and foretold for ions. Our precious planet is suffering. There's much we can do, but lawmakers and government officials must care, as they also live on this planet. Politicians must stop allowing lobbyists and special interest groups to call the shots. Please do what you can to help heal our beloved Earth. Know that future generations are counting on you! Please realize that we all live on one planet and have a duty to ensure that planet can continue to sustain all types of life!! Stop allowing politics and greed to deny the next generations a beautiful planet that the rest of us have enjoyed. We must ensure that human society harmonizes entirely with the planet and all of it's inhabitants. Human intelligence must be used to nurture the environment around us. Humans were not meant to treat the planet or any of it's creatures in such a disrespectful manner, and it was their job to protect nature's animals and the environment, rather than killing/destroying them because they're considered an inconvenience. God forbid these people will be stupid enough to even ignore the facts that, if they keep behaving in this way, then they're only just going to prove themselves to be stupid, worthless, subhuman parasites who don't serve any purpose on this planet, but to cause the extinction to all life that inhabits it, including humans. These people are NOT humans if they're going to keep destroying the very things that make this planet worth living on!! Humans are supposed to be intelligent in general, but of all the stupid decisions they make, and are STILL making, just confirms the information to be false... unless of course the majority of retards on two legs are just mindless creatures posing as humans, so they can blend in with the crowed. Unfortunately for these fools, REAL humans can tell which human is which, just by watching their every move. If he does something right and has compassion, then he's a human, but if he does something wrong and shows no signs of remorse for his actions, then he's nothing more than an evil human look-alike. China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, America, Australia, and many more places are being infested with these mindless, parasitic humanoids. It's pathetic!!!!!! The animals and the environment need humans to protect them from evil, and stupid humans! Why is it that when humans create abysmal conditions for other living beings, rather than improving their lot, we continue to blame and harm those that were innocent to begin with?! I don't know how we can continue claiming to be intelligent, when we keep destroying the very things we depend on!! Living beings who are happy, healthy and thriving make the world a better place. That is just common sense. So why is it that humans seem to ignore the obvious? Are so many of our species too dumb to realize how stupid they really are?! I think so. It wouldn't hurt to remind these people just how stupid they are whenever they do something stupid, which is... ALL THE TIME!!!!! Surly, nobody likes being called an idiot, stupid or dumb ass, but if they don't like it, then they should stop doing things they shouldn't even be doing!! I'm not trying to be insulting, but let's face it!! The importance of all life has been known for quite some time, and yet, humans continue to screw everything up for everyone, including themselves. And it's as if humans can't even see or hear the facts that all animals have just as much a right to be on earth as they do, if not more so. If humans were so smart, they wouldn't have put this world in such a horrible state as it is in now. Destroying trees (which give us oxygen) Destroying the oceans (which is just as bad as destroying rainforests) Killing the animals (which give nature balance) I signed this petition in hopes that our world leaders will start proving themselves to be as smart as they think they are, and start doing better by the animal kingdom rather than constantly destroying it for their own selfish needs. Humans have been shortsighted where the intelligence and emotions of animals, and the importance of the planet's ecosystems are concerned! I think that may make humans less intelligent. As self-centered as the human race is, I honestly don't think they actually care about themselves as they think they do. To destroy the rainforests that give them oxygen and control the weather/climate in which they live, to kill the animals that keep nature in balance, to kill the bees and other insects that help put food on their tables, to contaminate the air, that they breath, the water that they drink, the food that they eat, the soil that they plant their crops. The the fact that they don't care about the environment or the animals that live in it, just shows how little they care about their own survival. If human beings do not wake up and save all endangered and animals along with the ecosystem, it will be too late, and our future generations will look back upon us as vandals of the worst kind, and there will be no thank yous coming from them. Just despair at our selfishness and greed. If you have human beings who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion, pity and kindness you will have human beings who will deal likewise with their fellow human beings.
Stefan v.
2 hours ago
Next: Taking care of the enormous pollution in and around the the oil refinery, baracadera and the garbage dump. Toxicity now ends up in the ocean on the southern side of the island and is drifting to de beaches full of tourists on the highrise and lowrise by the natural current.
name not displayed
3 hours ago
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6 hours ago
Jocelyn V.
New York
6 hours ago
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United Kingdom
7 hours ago
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8 hours ago
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8 hours ago
Daphne L.
8 hours ago
As an island that is surrounded by ocean and depends mainly on tourism it would seem only natural to protect the ocean and all living beings that depend on it ... same would go for land by means of a comprehensive environmental law ... hope we can count on protection sooner rather than later and that those in a position to make this change realize the economic value of preservation.
name not displayed
United Kingdom
9 hours ago
name not displayed
9 hours ago
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