Saturday, December 31, 2016

Are You Vitamin B12 Deficient? 

(And Does it Matter?)

Vitamin B 12 deficiency has links to an array of health problems, and many Americans fall short on this critical vitamin.
Vegans are probably pretty familiar with vitamin B12. It’s the only vitamin that you can’t get from unfortified plant-based sources, so if you’re eating a vegan diet, you most likely are either eating B 12 fortified foods or taking a supplement. For vegetarians and omnivores, though, B12 might not be a vitamin you think about on a regular basis.
As you’ll see in the graphic below, animal products contain vitamin B12, and you can also get it through supplements. The only source the graphic below misses is fortified foods. From nutritional yeast to fortified vegan milks and cereals, there are lots of ways to get B12 into your diet without eating animal foods, if that’s your goal.
B12 is a hot button issue in the vegan community. Because so many vegans consider ourselves advocates for a vegan lifestyle, too, there’s a hesitation to admit that there are any nutrients that this diet can’t meet. The thing is, it’s pretty tough to find any diet that meets 100 percent of your nutritional needs. I think Ginny Messina, a vegan registered dietician, spells it out best:
“Taking a B12 supplement is the easiest thing in the world. It doesn’t make sense to wait until stores diminish or you are approaching deficiency before you start to supplement. And it certainly is not good vegan advocacy to promote inadequate advice about vitamin B12.”
It turns out that it’s not just vegans who have a hard time meeting vitamin B12 requirements, though. About 2/3 of Americans have low B12 levels, and the effects on your health can be quite serious. Check out this infographic that spells out the signs and symptoms of B12 deficiency:
How to tell if your deficient in vitamin B-12
When I was pregnant my blood work started showing low levels of B12 during my third trimester, even though there was B12 in my prenatal vitamin. Adding a separate B12 supplement on top of my prenatal fixed things up in a matter of weeks. If you think you might be B12 deficient, your best next move is talking to your doctor who can do blood work and let you know what dosage is best for you.

Looking for a vegan B12 supplement? They’re out there! Vegan B12 supplements are made from microorganisms instead of animal products. Brands like Deva make vegan B12 supplements. You can find vegan B12 online and often at brick and mortar stores, too.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Politika 101.....

Politika 101...

The Healthiest Foods For Your Money: 

A Shopping Guide

Eating healthy on a budget isn’t difficult… as long as you know the best stuff to buy! The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently published a first-of-its-kind guide to eating healthy on a budget. And that’s not all — they’ve also factored in food safety concerns, like the levels of pollutants, pesticides and artificial ingredients. After analyzing a list of 1,200 foods from government surveys and tests, they narrowed it down the top 100. Click through to explore the best fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, dairy and more. You should also check out the EWG’s website, where you’ll find even more tips, tools and useful information.

Fruits & Vegetables
Best Buys: banana, nectarines*, pear, watermelon
Good Deals: apricot, avocado, cantaloupe, grapefruit, honeydew, kiwi, papaya, starfruit, tangerines
Best Buys: alfalfa sprouts, cabbage, calabasa, carrots, collards, green onions, lettuce*, mustard greens, onions, parsley, potatoes*
Good Deals: brussels sprouts, corn, eggplant, kale, lima beans, okra, pumpkin, spinach*, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnip greens, zucchini
*** These fruits & veggies have higher levels pesticides than the others, so they are best to buy organic; check out the price tags before purchasing!

Grains, Nuts, Seeds & Beans
Best Buys: barley, toasted oat cereal
Good Deals: brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, shredded wheat
Beans & Lentils
Best Buys: black beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans, red kidney beans
Good Deals: lima beans, mungo beans, pink beans, white beans
Nuts & Seeds
Best Buys: hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts
Good Deals: almonds, pecans

Dairy, Eggs & Oils
Dairy & Eggs
Best Buys: cottage cheese, eggs, low-fat & non-fat dry milk, non-fat plain yogurt, queso fresco, ricotta cheese
Good Deals: 1% milk, skim milk, soy milk
Best Buys: canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil
Good Deals: olive oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil


Politika 101....

14 Surprising Uses for Onions

Rich in antioxidants, thought to prevent cancer, diabetes, and even the common cold, onions are nothing if not a superfood. But that’s not all they are — the same properties that make onions a great food to eat also make them great for other things, from healing your skin to cleaning metal. Click through to check out some surprising uses for onions, and leave your own tips in the comments section!

Health & Body
1. Repel Insects. Rubbing an onion on your skin is a simple way to repel bugs.
2. Soothe Insect Bites & Stings. Forgot to follow tip #1? Rubbing onion onto bug bites will help to ease the pain.
3. Soothe a Sore Throat. Making onion tea is a great remedy for soothing sore throats. On the stovetop, boil water with onion peels in it (about 1 cup of water for the peels of 1/2 an onion.) Bring to a boil, remove onion and serve.
4. Use in Place of Smelling Salts. Overwork yourself? Feeling light-headed? Onions are a great natural remedy to use instead of smelling salts.
5. Ease the Pain of Burns. Rubbing onions onto burns helps soothe the pain.
6. Remove Splinters. Have a splinter that just won’t budge? Try taping (yes, with tape, or a adhesive bandage) a piece of raw onion to it. Hold tight for about an hour before removing the onion.
7. Polish Metal. Slice onion and then crush it. Combine crushed onion with water. With a cloth, dab it on the metal surface. Rub until clean.
8. Get Rid of that Paint Smell. The same mixture described for polishing metal works great for combating the unpleasant, and sometimes unhealthy, odors of paints and varnishes.
9. Clean Sponges. Okay, so this particular use is actually for the mesh packaging that onions are often sold in, but hey — a way to re-use unnecessary packaging, right?! The mesh is a perfect tool to clean all that gunk that builds up on sponges. Cut it up into smaller pieces for best results.
10. Clean Your Grill. Chop an onion in half, and turn on your grill. Using a fork, glide the onion on the grill to scrub it clean.
11. Make a DIY DyeOnion skins make great dyes! Place the skins in nylon panty hose, tie top shut, and boil in a pot for about 20 minutes.
12. Make Burned Rice Edible Again. Neglected your rice, and now some of it has burned? No need to toss it! Simply place half of an onion on top of the rice. It will absorb the burned taste.
13. Preserve Avocados. Prevent your avocados from browning by storing them in a plastic airtight container with red onions. Place half of an onion in the container first, skin side up, and then place the avocado. You can use red onion to store guacamole, too: Place some slices on top of the guac’ in a plastic container.

8 Benefits of Spinach: The First Superfood

Spinach was a powerfood even before there was the term powerfood.
We’re referring of course to Popeye the Sailor Man. “TOOT TOOT!” One can of the green stuff and he turned into muscle popping tornado of energy.
Even without Popeye’s recommendation, spinach contains more nutrients per calorie than any other food on the earth.
8 Benefits of Spinach:
1. Loaded with Vitamins: like A, K, D, and E and a host of trace minerals.
2. Good Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids: the kind most of us need in North America.
3. Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants: Researchers have identified more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. In a recent study on the relationship between risk of prostate cancer and vegetable intake (including such healthy vegetables as broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprouts) only spinach showed evidence of significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer.
4. Alkalizes the Body: All those minerals helps to balance off the highly acid diet which most of us subject our bodies to and which drains our energy, increases obesity and a creates host of other health problems.
5. Nourishes the Eyes: The carotenoids found in spinach protect against eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
6. Strengthens the Bones: One cup of fresh spinach (or 1/6 cup of cooked spinach) contains TWICE your daily vitamin K needs. This along with the calcium and magnesium in spinach is essential to maintain healthy bones.
7. Perfect for Green Smoothies and Salads: Organic pre-washed spinach is now readily available in most grocery stores. If you haven’t yet tried a green smoothie yet and think they might taste yucky then try one with the main ingredient as spinach. Spinach is so sweet, we guarantee you will be impressed. To see Diana make her own special brand of green smoothie click here: Diana’s Green Smoothie
8. Spinach is FRESH! Studies have shown that even the artificial light in the grocery store shining on those plastic tubs of spinach can actually help keep the leaves from spoiling. This indicates the spinach is still metabolically active and fresh.
Next: Tips and Cautions
Tips and Cautions:
Tip #1: Make sure you only choose organic spinach. Non-organic spinach is on the list of top foods with lots of chemical pesticides. You can assume that canned spinach is NOT organic. I can’t imagine anyone eating canned spinach anyway but since we mentioned Popeye I thought I had better mentions that.
Tip #2: Choose the GREENEST looking spinach you can find. Probably you would have anyway, but studies have shown that the greenest spinach has the most vitamin C.
Tip #3: Because spinach contains high levels of so many nutrients it also has significant levels of oxalic acid. This has been associated with kidney problems and interference with absorption of other minerals.
There is much debate whether the oxalates in spinach would have this kind of effect but just to be sure, if you have a pre-existing kidney problem, it’s better to consult your doctor before eating too much.
At Real Food For Life, we recommend that a person balance their body enough so that they can use their own bodies as a gauge on how much or little to eat of a particular food.
For example, I usually crave spinach but sometimes I just don’t want it in my body. I suspect that perhaps I have reached my limit for something, (like the oxalates) within the food.
This personalized approach to your nutrition is the easiest and ultimately the most powerful approach to nutritional choices. We explain this more in our “Three Secrets” report.

Power Spinach Salad

Greens are the highest alkaline forming foods and they are full of vitamins A, K, and D. Adding spinach to your meal is an excellent way to alkalize your diet.
This is very simple and tasty salad is full of powerfoods ; everyone I have served it to enjoys it very much.
1 pound fresh Spinach
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup Olive Oil
few drops of Stevia
Tamari or Braggs to taste
avocado, diced
1/4 cup chopped Walnuts, roasted till golden
2 mandarin orange sections
1.    Wash and trim spinach; pat dry with paper towels.
2.    Combine lemon juice, oil, stevia and Tamari or Braggs in large bowl; add avocado cubes, coating well with the dressing.
3.    Toss spinach and walnuts with avocado and dressing.
4.    Add mandarin orange sections and toss spinach salad again.

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Meditate

Meditation, long considered to be a ”frou-frou” thing only hippies and Buddhists bothered with, has now become a worldwide relaxation and health trend.
Multiple scientific studies have shown that meditation can have a rapid and profound effect on our physical health, as well as mental. In many cases, meditation can trigger physical change in our bodies almost immediately!
Keep reading to learn more about why meditation is so vital for total health as well as what actually happens to your body when you meditate.
Meditation Is Medicine
The world is a big, complicated place that hurls challenges in our path faster than a pitching machine at the batting cages. Fragile beings that we are, the constant grind of work, relationships, political chaos and worry about the future can takes its toll.
We self-medicate with stimulants (coffee, energy drinks, sugar) during the day and depressants (alcohol, prescription drugs) at night when we’re desperate to relax, despite their terrible side effects.
Meditation, on the other hand, is a completely safe, completely FREE “medication” that’s often more effective than both.
Things That Happen When You Meditate
1. Your Brainwaves Change
Research has shown that after a few minutes, medication can actually increase alpha and theta brainwave activity, which is linked to relaxation.
2. Your Breathing Changes
Meditation stimulates your body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn causes your lungs to draw in slower, deeper breaths and may result in lower blood pressure.
3. Your Adrenal Glands Change
During meditation, your adrenal glands reduce their production of the stress hormone cortisol, helping you to feel less anxious.
4. Your Immune System Changes
In addition to boosting positivity, which is thought to support a healthy immune system, recent research suggests that regular meditation may increase antibody production, helping the body neutralize foreign threats that make us sick, like viruses and bacteria.
5. Your Brain Changes
In 2011, a study out of Harvard found that regular meditation can change the actual mass of your brain. After eight weeks of analysis, meditation “was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing. There were also decreases in brain cell volume in the amygdala, which is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress,” reported Forbes.
So what are you waiting for? To de-stress, improve your blood pressure, and grow a bigger brain, start meditating today!

A Beginner’s Guide to Hot Yoga

You may have heard of hot yoga before, and perhaps you’re interested in trying it, but going to your first class can feel intimidating. It may seem like everyone knows what they’re doing. It may seem like everyone is fitter than you. But it isn’t a competition and you shouldn’t feel intimidated. Yoga is for everyone, and everyone is a beginner at some point.
If you are unfamiliar, hot yoga is a vigorous form of yoga practiced in a room heated anywhere between 80 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Bikram is one type that you may be familiar with, but there are also heated Vinyassa classes as well. You can easily imagine the benefits of adding therapeutic heat to an already therapeutic yoga practice—improved flexibility, balance, mood, fitness and stamina. Of course, with the addition of heat, you need to practice with caution. Here are a few things you should be aware of before beginning a hot yoga practice.
You’ll need towels. Yes, you’re going to sweat… a lot. Things are going to get pretty warm. Just expect it. Don’t fight the poses and the heat, embrace them by breathing. Focusing on how hot and uncomfortable you are can only make everything more challenging. Let yourself become enveloped by your sweaty practice and reap the benefits later on.
Muscle and joint strain is possible. Yes, you may feel like you suddenly have superhuman flexibility due to the addition of heat, but you still have limitations. There is a human tendency to overdo it and push yourself a little too far in hot yoga classes, so try to keep yourself on the cusp of comfortable. If you feel any small pinching, burning or straining sensations, ease out of the pose and take a moment to assess. It’s better to play it safe and hand out in savasana than to wind up on the sidelines for a month with a muscle or joint injury.
Dehydration can undo everything. Hot yoga should make you feel amazing. However, if you aren’t hydrated, you may be greeted with dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea and dehydration post-class rather than a relaxed sense of calm and balance. To reap the benefits of hot yoga, make sure to properly hydrate yourself—bring at least a liter of water to class and don’t guzzle a large iced coffee before or after class. Also, avoid heavy foods. Actually, it’s probably best to avoid eating for at least an hour before class in case you develop some nausea. And during class, listen to the needs of your own body. Rest or drink water if you need to, even if no one else is. (Just make sure you remain quiet and polite.) You want to feel amazing after a yoga class, not strained, lightheaded, dizzy and dehydrated.
Be gentle with yourself. Be nice to yourself before and after class. Hit up savasana or child’s pose anytime you feel like things are getting too intense. Allow your practice to serve your needs. And always inform your teacher of any injuries or conditions you have ahead of time. If you have low blood pressure, are on prescription medication, or have a cardiovascular condition, always consult a trusted professional before starting hot yoga. Give yourself plenty of time to cool down. Treat yourself to a refreshing salad, smoothie or juice afterward.
If you’re new to yoga, I would recommend trying unheated yoga before moving into the heat in order to familiarize yourself with the postures and flow of a class. Yoga, heated or not, is excellent for the body. If you are looking to adopt a regular yoga practice in 2017, good for you! Pat yourself on the back for making a change in your life and taking time for yourself. Hot yoga is worth a try, but anything that brings you into balance and happiness is worth your time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A few days ago I watched Poets TV Show and to my surprise it was an interview with Hensley Bam BamMeulens batting coach of the San Francisco Giants. Seeing Bam Bam on TV immediately connects me back to home and a very pleasant experience I had with this gentleman back 25 years ago.  

It was between 1989 and 1991 when I was living in Boston Massachusetts that Bam Bam was called up to the majors in his rookie year with New York Yankees organization.

My wife back then and I were huge sport fans and we were also into the sports card collecting hobby, (serious hobby) and I told her that the Yankees have a new player who just came up and that he is from my country.
My personal fascination with baseball goes back to my own little league experience and particularly with the New York Yankees back in 1978. That year the Yankees defended their title against the Dodgers in October and it was also the week of the 75th World Series that my maternal grandfather passed away.   

While we were at my at my grandparents home for my grandfathers wake I remember watching Reggie Jackson hit a homerun in the seventh inning on a black and white television set and sealed the deal for the Yankees, which turned me into a Yankees fan until today.

Baseball is next to soccer the biggest national pass time in Curaϛao but at my house sports was always a hobby and leisure activity secondary to homework, studying and education. Because it was a leisure activity I engaged into different sports instead of concentrating on just baseball unlike guys like Hensley Meulens, Andew Jones and others took this from a leisure level and made it into their profession.

So when I found out that Hensley and the Yankees were coming to town I talked to my ex wife and we decided to contact him and invite him for dinner.

We had no clue how to get in touch with the guy so we had to first find out, which hotel the Yankees stayed at and I figure maybe Ill just call his hotel and ask for his room. So after we found out where the Yankees stayed, (411) I called the hotel and ask for Hensley Meulens and surprise surprise, the front desk puts me through.

He picked up the telephone and said hello, and I spoke Papiamentu (our language) to him and introduced myself. I told him who I was and that I lived in Boston now and wanted to invite him for dinner at our house.

First of all, we took a chance because we didnt think that it would have been so easy to call and find him and second we thought if we find him, him will probably blow us off because hes busy. Guess what, he said sure I would love to have dinner with you guys. Then he did the unexpected. He asked if we want to come to the game and meet him there afterwards.

I said sure we would like to come meet him. He gave me instructions as to how to get to a special players entrance and our names would be on the list with security.

We went to the ballpark, got our tickets and badges and we were seated with other guests and family members of other players, which was right behind the dugout.

Honestly I dont even remember which team won. I was so excited to be there and watch my Yankees team and one of my countrymen play the game that I lost track of the score. (Still dont remember to dated)
After the game we had to meet him at the same gate and I introduced him to my ex and me got into our car and drove to Dorchester where we lived.

Hensley spend about four hours with us, had dinner and we talked about the islands, baseball, live and lots of things. We took pictures and had Hensley sign several of our baseball cards and baseballs, which my ex kept by the way.

Im not a very people person. It will take a while for me to warm up to someone or build some kind of relationship but I have to say that from the moment I started to talk with Hensley one the phone the guy was very amicable, very nice and very well mannered.

I dont give compliments but this guy was such an easy person to talk to, simple and downright a nice guy. Now that coming from me anyone who knows me knows that that must be real. He spoke well about his teammates, the organization and has a very calm and simple demeanor with him.

At one point my ex left us alone for a while and we spoke Papiamentu and it was like we had known each other for years. It was just two guys from Curaϛao sitting and shooting the breeze in a living room in Boston.

After nearly four hours he had to leave and I drove him to his hotel where we said our goodbyes.  No promises just if youre in town next time give us a call. Unfortunately he left the Yankees after that and went to Japan to play ball there.

Over the years I became fan of other teams also whenever a guy from Aruba or Curaϛao is on the roster. I remember names like Andrew Jones, Xander Bogaerts, Calvin Maduro, Sidney Ponson, Randall Simons, Kenley Jansen and others.

When Hensley came back as a coach in 2010 for the Giants he brought back international experience to the organization and every time when I watch a Giants game and I see Hensley I feel proud and privileged that I met the guy.

During the interview on the TV show I saw the same Hensley that I met 25 years ago in Boston.  The same nice demeanor, very calm and collective person and giving praise to everybody including his late father, whom like my dad also passed away from cancer.  

Hensley and I are not friends. We just met 25 years ago for a couple of hours but since that day I have always had a high regard for the guy because hes graceful, nice, respectful and above all a very simple human being. But this is a person that would be a good friend to anyone.

I consider Hensley an ambassador for our island nation Curaϛao and I would like to thank Poets TV for doing this interview.

Hensleys 2016 season is over now but I am sure that we will see and heard more about Bam Bam for some more years to come. By the way, its not Bam Bam or Hensley, its Sir Hensley F.A. Meulens or Sir Bam Bam.

Masha danki ruman.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Milking Cow…

Contrary to popular believe, Aruba's economic pillar is not tourism but nature. Without the land and underwater natural resources the island won't have any tourism.

Daily tourist activities include jeep safaris and tours to many different land based attractions including extensive use of the sandy beaches, the ocean and the shoreline where we can find filtration systems done by mangroves and offering a variety of biodiversity systems.

These biodiversity systems include wetlands where birds, reptiles, mammals, turtles, fishes, corals and all sorts of flora and fauna, which comprises the milking cow that everyone calls tourism.

In Aruba, just like anywhere else we all leave our impact and footprint on nature. Aruba produces waste that goes directly to a “landfill” and 100% of this waste is buried, unprocessed and untreated.

Aruba’s local population has grown very rapid in the last three decades and this is creating a lot of pressure on the natural environment. Because of the build environment, which is constantly growing Aruba is now facing a real problem with carrying capacity, not only for tourism but the local population and future building expansions as well.

When you look at the history of Aruba, the island has always found a way to shift from one “crisis” to the next economic boom. From phosphate to gold mining and then the largest oil refinery in the 40’s and 50’s then the modern tourism era in the 1960’s and now possibly another “oil boom”?

November 2016 is said to be the month that the operations of CITGO will start in Aruba as the new “oil boom”, which is to revive the old refinery that was initially run by LAGO Oil Company Ltd., then Coastal El Paso and most recently Valero.

But what happened to the green and sustainable Aruba concept? This is an oxymoron or is this green wash? Aruba keeps developing like there is no tomorrow and all of this on only 70sq. miles to work with?

It’s almost like that famous saying, “biting the hand that feeds you”. Yes, nature is the hand that has been feeding Aruba (and the world) since the beginning of time. The fact that the landfill on Aruba is full and no sustainable solution has been created is almost a joke in view of the green concept that is portrait by some.

The impact on nature and the depletion of nature resources is impacting the way of life on this small island nation, but somehow this concept seems to be forgotten by politicians and some residents alike.

Questions like why do you bother with a few sea turtles or cutting a few trees? You can’t see corals so why the uproar to save the reefs or protect fish. It’s a big ocean anyway.

It’s not meant to be rude but a little interest and education can really help the ignorance and misconception that everything is “ok” and “this is one happy island”. If nature could talk it will definitely say that it’s not happy at all in Aruba.

Nature and environmental degradation has economic effects that runs into the billions of dollars. The best way to understand this is to talk to people whom have experienced a hurricane and its aftermath. The devastation that such force of nature causes also runs into trillions of dollars.

Now flip this around and think what is being done to nature. A hurricane comes with some warning but is heading for destruction. The destruction of nature by us on the other hand is a much slower approach and process, which gives us an early warning including the chance to stop and make corrective measures unlike a hurricane.

By cutting down trees or bulldozing to clear lands, the plants that produce oxygen, which is in the air that we breathe, are being destroyed. Plants, trees and brushes are habitats to birds and other species that all make up the terrestrial flora and fauna.

The same goes for mangroves and the underwater world where corals and reef systems are equally important for the marine environment. The same marine environment that produces the seafood that many enjoy but wonder why it’s so expensive and becoming more and more difficult to come by.

In Aruba traditional seafood dishes such as “keri keri” (shark or stingray meat), stewed octopi, conch, turtle meat and green eel are still popular with the local community. Sea turtles and conch are protected by law but the incentive for poaching is greater than ever. Some restaurants pay for it, some locals just don’t care and as long as there is a demand, there will be illegality.

The economic consequences based on the lack of nature protection are being measured. Studies conducted on other Caribbean islands have show that these economic consequences can run into the billions but unless the government of Aruba is truly committed and stands behind nature and environmental protection, Aruba will suffer some major effects in the very near future.

The loss of jobs in the water sports tourism industry is guaranteed and so are jobs in the tour excursions and concierge positions.
When there are no more “blue waters” and coral reefs to offer, people will select other destinations to go to or will simply not book any activities because there is nothing to see. When this word of mouth advertising starts, no amount to public relations campaigning will be able to counteract it. This will lead to local water sport companies and tour operators to lay off people and eventually the industry will die.

Many people don’t understand that a small island nation like Aruba is being overrun by development and if we don’t yield to the warnings, the cow will dry up eventually.

Maybe the prospect of finding oil and natural gas is going to be the next miracle that will save Aruba? But then again, at what price will salvation come this time? 


ARUBA UNCUT “JOLLY PIRATES” Whether you are visiting Aruba or even if you live on the island, doing a morning or afternoon snorkeli...